We partner with PSUG Asia to provide support for the following plugins:
Parent Teacher Conference
The PTC Plug in was created with all the users in mind, from admin, teachers, and of course the parents. It is designed to give parents the ease and ability to sign up for PTC from the PowerSchool Public Portal.
Complete Module
Complete module from the set up of conference, time slots on the admin side, sign up for Parents, and conference schedules for teachers/parents.
Conference Time
Admin users can set up the conference times and session based on their needs.
Teachers have the ability to block their time schedules before the parents could sign in for the time slots.
Sign up
Teachers have the ability to sign up a student in their class.
Specific Time
Parents have the ability to sign up the specific time that they want to meet with their child’s teachers.
View and Print
Parents can view and print the sign ups for their whole family if they have more than one student in the school.
The parent facing side fully supports PowerSchool’s localization. You can make the pages show any any language you want!
Co-curricular Activities
After School Activities sign up has never been this easy! Fully embedded inside PowerSchool. Teachers and/or coaches can take attendance, create reports, grade the students and can even see the students data just like any other section in PowerTeacher! Parents and/or students can sign up for the CCA in the public portal.
Complete Module
Complete module from setup of after school activities on the admin side, sign up for Parents/Students, and lists for teachers.
Easy access and use for activities coordinator.
Sign up
Easy access and use for activities coordinator.
Cancel Sign up
Parents can always change, update or cancel a sign up.
Files Management
Upload all kinds of documents and manage your students/parents documents on your own server with the File Management Plug in.
Documents Upload
Ability for parents and teachers to upload documents inside the Public and PowerTeacher Portals respectively.
Flexibility & Control
Give permissions to groups or users in the admin portal on who can see, view or edit the files.
File Types
Any types of documents can be uploaded and you can setup categories to control what types of files will be accepted.
Mass Uploading
There are multiple ways to mass upload documents so you do not need to manually add documents one by one.
Ability to see a report of files that were imported and other related information.
Attendance Notices
Everyday working with the attendance is a mess in the admin office as there is no way for parents to requests or inform the school regarding the absences or tardy of students. Parents normally will send an email, call on the phone or walk in to let the school know that their child is absent or tardy for the day or the coming days.
Attendance Requests
Parents can do an attendance requests for their child/ren online.
Ability for secretaries to approve the attendance request of the student on the admin side.
Once processed or approved, teachers will know that the student is absent on PowerTeacher and parents will know that their requests was approved.
Reports and history of students requests.
Reporting made easy because the data are now stored in PowerSchool.

Mass Assignments Creation
Ability for the Head Teacher to mass assign the assignments or activities with teachers in their group. This plug in saves a lot of time and energy to create the same assignments for all teachers.
Ease of Use
Easy to use and implement inside PowerSchool.
Saves Time
Instead of doing the activities or homework one by one by teachers, this plug in will mass assign to all teachers under the Head Teacher.
Fully Embedded
This plug in sits inside PowerSchool so no need for integration or log in to another system.
Set up is very easy for users on the Portal.